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Welcome to the Spring 2025 General Chemistry Laboratory Course!

Account creation is now active!

Please see instructions below (also sent to your email):

Labs are not on BrightSpace. The general chemistry labs use InterChemNet (ICN) for all lab related materials. You must acquire a packet from the bookstore and create an ICN account to participate in this course. Instructions are below.

1. Obtaining the lab Packet

●Obtain a Spring 2025 Chemistry InterChemNet (ICN) Access Packet at the UMaine bookstore.

●The Access Packet is part of the UMaine Academic Materials Program (or can be purchased separately).

●We highly recommend picking up the lab packet in person.

●There are plenty of packets available (ask in the bookstore if you can’t find it).

2. Setting Up Your lab Account (on ICN)

●Follow instructions in the lab packet to create your ICN account (using the access code on the last page (yellow) of the packet)

●The packet is bundled with a lab notebook.

●Once you establish your account you will have access to lab assignments and lab procedures. Assignments will appear sequentially during the semester on your ICN homepage.

3. The first two weeks in lab.

●You are expected to create your account during the first week of classes (Jan 21-24). There are NO in-person labs the first week.

●Assign. #1 is due Jan 26 and includes submission of a quiz and form (one document) on the ICN website. Instructions for creating your account and submitting this assignment are in the packet you will get at the bookstore.

●Assign. #2: includes the first in-person lab starting the week of Jan 27-31. See your schedule for the day/time of your lab. Please accept the lab on interchemnet and do the prelab before coming to your lab session.

Questions? Contact Dr. Sarah Bernard


There are various questions that you may have about accommodations. One of them is about Testing/Extra time. As with your class, which generally has a fixed length of time, the lab sessions are also fixed. We do not consider experiments as tests, and so we no capacity to extend these. Working with your TA to get as prepared as you can for lab, is one strategy that can help with this issue. Another common question is about lab experiment due dates. We 'd like you to complete your lab assignments within 72 hours of performing the lab. This allows you to write up what was done in lab while it it fresh and you will be able to see if there are any issues that you need to address to complete the assignment. However, the due date is generally set 1 week out, to allow you extra time to complete your assignments. If you have questions about accommodations, please contact Dr. Sarah Bernard at

When submitting assignments, you may need to reduce the file size (i.e. it should not be over 5 MB) by creating a pdf and reducing the size of this. Adobe has such as website for compressing pdf. file:

If you have issues related to the course or with TAs, please contact the chemistry professor in charge of the general chemistry lab program: Dr. Sarah Bernard at

Last updated on January 17, 2025